CirculaReturn is a free consulting service offered to minority-owned businesses and restaurants to transition into a model of sustainable reuse. We know that the trash of society, as well as the manufacturing plants and refineries that create this waste, disproportionately impact people of color. We know that also people of color hold traditional, Indigenous wisdom from their respective heritage that is inherently based in reuse and zero waste, or circular, lifestyles. CirculaReturn operates from the frameworks of Ujamaa (or “cooperative economics”) and Ubuntu (or “I am because we are”). These Afro-centric frameworks prioritize relations over profit, the collective over personal gain. They are circular and local and they refuse disposable conveniences, knowing that waste anywhere is intolerable, because pollution is inherently anti-Earth and anti-Black/Indigenous.

To book an appointment, please email or call 650 387 9239.

“If waste operates as a function-symptom of genocidal colonialism and plantational anti-Blackness, then visioning praxes of a waste-free society need to be included in movements of decolonization and abolition.” (Read more)

Xexame li godoo — the universe is round.